Nitrome Fan Fiction Wiki


FrostyCakeTrap is a comic started all after user GrammarCat named user Frostyflytrap 'FrostyCakeTrap' due to noticing that 'frost'ing is also used for cake. This was posted on user GouchnoxWiki's wall about a Christmas Avatar. After GrammarCat's reply, Frostyflytrap had an idea so he too the cake from the 100th Skin's cake and repaired it. After that he drew a Weresquare face on it to signify it being a 'cake trap'.


The FrostyCakeTrap image

GrammarCat replied to this image mentioning that Fat Cat might sneak on and eat the cake. So Frostyflytrap decided make a new image where the cake has a large bite on it and next to that was Fat Cat some cake on his mouth. This then made GrammarCat upload a comic she made in which Fat Cat is seen crying next to a tombstone written "R.I.P Frosty Cake Trap". Fat Cat then leaves and the zombie of the cake emerges from the ground.

Frost cake trap comic

Frostyflytrap then makes a continuation to the story, which is where all of this begins.

Part 1 - Back to Work[]


Part 2 - Crossover[]

FrostyCakeTrapStory-Part 2

Part 3 - Game Jumping[]

FrostyCakeTrapStory-Part 3

Part 4 - Must Die?!?!111[]

FrostyCakeTrapStory-Part 4

More to come[]
